Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's the moments that take your breath away

This week would be classified by my grandfather as mundane, but sometimes those are the best:

Eating a good tuna salad sandwich
Rain that makes the earth smell good
Planting herbs and hoping my brown thumb doesn't kill them
Good pasta
Watching So you think you can dance with my sister
Helping load photos onto facebook
Having friends over to watch a chick flick (Lake House, so good)
Leaving work at 5:30 even if things aren't completely done
Brand new conversations

And mostly, it is the anticipation of good things to come.... the rainbow after the rainstorm. I have always felt when school started, a new year started, and even though I am not in school anymore, I still feel a bit of anticipation when the summer begins to wind down in August. August is full of last minute summer plans, doing all the things you meant to do all summer. August is also when you get ready for the year ahead, go clothes shopping for crisp new jeans and empty notebooks. August will be completely starting the new job, and leaving the old one behind. With tax free shopping day, I will probably try to find a pair of jeans for old times sake. And who knows, maybe all the last minute summer fun will be just that...... fun.

1 comment:

browneyedgirl said...

good luck with your new job Heather!