Friday, February 11, 2011

The Middle of February

I have a friend who blogs all of her successes, and then, the blog world jinxes her, and things tend to go awry. So I am a bit reluctant to blog about anything more current than two weeks ago. Suffice it to say that I have done enough school things to take Friday afternoon off and catch up on my blogging, which is why you now have a bunch of posts to read from me.

One of the things I did in January was work at the Business School. I had all of these funny thoughts about my experience there, but then I forgot to write them down. But it did keep me busy enough to not blog during January.

I will probably disappear for the rest of February to take care of house things. So I will see you all in March, and hopefully the Ides of the Blog World will not come and get me!

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