Thursday, February 19, 2009

Everyone wants to feel like someone cares

Do you ever just have one of those weeks? Yesterday I called into a 9 AM conference call.... that was supposed to happen today. I then went to a 9:30 AM meeting, also happening today. So apparently yesterday was Thursday for me. Then today at 9 AM I called into the meeting that was scheduled for 9:30 AM, was late to the real 9 AM meeting, totally forgot about the 11:30 AM meeting, and then left work late to go to orchestra.

This scatter-brained-ness has extended to my blogging. I have started blog posts all week, only to find myself at a loss for words. Yea, I know you are surprised since I usually can ramble on and on about something :) Last week I was dying to blog about my big project, but I couldn't because I was trying to keep it a secret. Now I can't even find anything to say about that. Work is apparently just as scattered since I can't keep my calendar straight. At least I did remember it was my mom's birthday. But I forgot to do one of those special blog posts to commemorate it. Happy Belated Blog Birthday Mom!

And as for the subject title of this blog, I heard that song coming home from Orchestra and so it got stuck in my head. Good song. So hopefully this random collection of thoughts will help me clear out my head so I can figure out what day tomorrow is :)

1 comment:

Kory said...

i did the same thing this week - totally forgot about a meeting on Tuesday. what can you do???