Saturday, May 22, 2010


My roommate always impressed me by being able to take short trips and enjoy her weekends to the fullest. I was able to tag along sometimes, and really enjoyed it. This spring we didn't really do much traveling together, and she realized that there was only one weekend we would both be in town before my wedding. So she decided that she should put together a bridal shower. Since I am vehemently opposed to lame games, we agreed to get dessert and then depending on who came, maybe go bowling or see a movie or something fun. When I was in high school, Gypsy's Shiny Diner was a fun place to get a shake. So we went there because it was also close to a bowling place and the movie theater.
Then we went bowling, where our goal was to collectively get over 200. We have decided that bowling alley is not a good place because the music was not conducive to getting good scores :)

Since it took us such a short amount of time to complete a terrible bowling game, we went to see Johnny Depp in Alice in Wonderland.
All in all, a great weekend.

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